Special Series

Special Series

Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
04/03/24 Molecular Machines: Evolved or Designed? Buddy Payne Science and Christianity - Conflict or Coherence Specific Study
04/02/24 The Great Designer: Evidence from the Chemistry of Living Things Buddy Payne Science and Christianity - Conflict or Coherence Specific Study
04/01/24 Science and Christianity: Conflict or Coherence Buddy Payne Science and Christianity - Conflict or Coherence Specific Study
03/31/24 Can We Trust Our English Versions of the Bible Pt 1 Buddy Payne Science and Christianity - Conflict or Coherence Specific Study
03/31/24 Have This Mind (Philippians 3:7-15) Buddy Payne Science and Christianity - Conflict or Coherence Specific Study
03/31/24 Can We Trust Our English Versions of the Bible Pt 2 Buddy Payne Science and Christianity - Conflict or Coherence Specific Study
01/14/24 Elder Themed Special Study Russ Lagrone Elder Themed Special Study Special Study Sunday AM Bible Class
01/14/24 Elder Themed Special Study Marty Broadwell Elder Themed Special Study Special Study Sunday AM
01/14/24 Elder Themed Special Study Russ Lagrone Elder Themed Special Study Special Study Sunday PM
01/12/24 Elder Themed Special Study Russ Lagrone & Marty Broadwell Elder Themed Special Study Special Study
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