Welcome to the Southwest Church of Christ Website

Our regular meeting times are at:

9:00 am for Sunday Morning Bible Class

10:00 am for Sunday Morning Worship

5:00 pm for Sunday Evening Worship

7:30 pm for Wednesday Evening Bible Class

News & Announcements

For Consideration and Remembrance

Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 - The conclusion, when everything has been heard, is: fear God and keep His commandments, because this applies to every person. For God will bring every act to judgement, everything which is hidden, whether it is good or evil.

Upcoming Events

  1. Wednesday Evening Bible Study
    Wednesday, February 12th, 20257:30pm
  2. Sunday Morning Bible Study
    Sunday, February 16th, 20259:00am
  3. Sunday AM Worship
    Sunday, February 16th, 202510:00am
  4. Sunday PM Worship
    Sunday, February 16th, 20255:00pm
  5. Wednesday Evening Bible Study
    Wednesday, February 19th, 20257:30pm
  6. Sunday Morning Bible Study
    Sunday, February 23rd, 20259:00am
  7. Sunday AM Worship
    Sunday, February 23rd, 202510:00am
  8. Sunday PM Worship
    Sunday, February 23rd, 20255:00pm
  9. Wednesday Evening Bible Study
    Wednesday, February 26th, 20257:30pm
  10. Sunday Morning Bible Study
    Sunday, March 2nd, 20259:00am